Randi Bartelson loads bulk meats into a trunk during a distribution event at the New Braunfels Food Bank Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels. Over 400 families were served with over 34,000 pounds of food distributed.
Todd Gandrud, left, and Gail Schumacher high five in celebration after the last car is served at the New Braunfels Food Bank distribution event Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels.
Randi Bartelson loads bulk meats into a trunk during a distribution event at the New Braunfels Food Bank Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels. Over 400 families were served with over 34,000 pounds of food distributed.
Todd Gandrud, left, and Gail Schumacher high five in celebration after the last car is served at the New Braunfels Food Bank distribution event Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels.
Randi Bartelson loads bulk meats into a trunk during a distribution event at the New Braunfels Food Bank Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels. Over 400 families were served with over 34,000 pounds of food distributed.
Volunteers with the New Braunfels Food Bank served an estimated more than 400 vehicles on Wednesday morning while distributing products donated by Tyson, the Springdale, Arkansas-based chicken, beef and pork processor.
New Braunfels Food Bank executive director Monica Borrego said although there is a lot of awareness about hunger and people in need around the holiday season, the number of people frequenting the food bank doesn’t wane, and donations and volunteers are needed year-around.
“The need is pretty consistent,” Borrego said. “We do see spikes around the holidays, not only of help coming in from the community but also from the need. After the holidays wrap up and when everybody is getting back to their normal routine, we see lower numbers of volunteers. There’s consistency in the need but not as many volunteers and helping hands coming in to get the food out.”
Borrego said individuals interested in volunteering could visit the food bank’s website at nbfoodbank.org for more information on how to serve.
“All of our shifts are listed on there,” she said. “We have opportunities from the kitchen to make prepared meals to the warehouse to sort out product or build boxes of food, and also our pantry, where we’re getting food out to the community.”
Todd Gandrud, left, and Gail Schumacher high five in celebration after the last car is served at the New Braunfels Food Bank distribution event Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels.
It was a busy morning for volunteers as they distributed bacon, corn dogs, hash browns, hams, sausage and other products.
For Lindsay Brennan, it was her first day serving as a volunteer.
“There’s lots of people coming in today for fresh food,” Brennan said. “It’s a great feeling to come out today and volunteer and see everyone going home with enough food for at least a few meals. But we always need more volunteers.”
Gail Schumacher said she has been volunteering for about six months.
“It makes us all happy to volunteer,” Schumacher said. “We’re a happy bunch. It’s so much fun. You’re giving, and you receive from what you give. I’m amazed to see how much people donate for food. It’s awesome.”
And for the food bank, the Tyson donation and giveaway was timely.
“We have been working very closely with them, as they have a facility in Seguin,” Borrego said. “With that, we were able to secure a donation that we were putting out (Wednesday). We put out a message to our families that we’re serving that this would be available, and the response was great.”
Herald-Zeitung readers, and those who wish to subscribe to the newspaper, can help the food bank restock its pantry by coming by the newspaper office at 549 Landa St. and donating goods.
Donate six non-perishable items and get a free month of the newspaper when signing up for a $15 monthly subscription or a one-year subscription for $179.
Ted Moor loads produce into a trunk during a distribution event at the New Braunfels Food Bank Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 in New Braunfels.
Every January and February for the past several years, we have had this promotion to help restock the shelves at the New Braunfels Food Bank,” said Neice Bell, publisher of the Herald-Zeitung. “We do it this time of year because the food bank is usually in need of food due to giving so much away at the holidays. The promotion is for everyone, not just non-subscribers. If you already have a subscription, you can participate also. Just renew your subscription and bring in the food, and we will give you a month free.”
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